Ethics, transparency and good governance
Iberdrola Energía España, at the forefront of best international practices
Iberdrola Energía España, S.A.U.'s Governance and Sustainability System is inspired by and based upon a commitment to ethical principles, transparency and leadership in the application of the best international practices in good governance for non listed companies, and goes around three major vectors: environmental, social and corporate governance. Undergoing a constant process of review and improvement, it incorporates the principal recommendations of the international markets and the most advanced trends in this area. It is one of the hallmarks of its identity, making Iberdrola group an international leader in good practices.
The board of directors of Iberdrola Energía España, S.A.U., as well as, where appropriate, the CEO, will carry out their functions and powers with unity of purpose, independence of judgment and fidelity to the social interest, in accordance with the Purpose and Values of the Iberdrola group and its Code of Ethics, the General Sustainable Development Policy and the Stakeholder Engagement Policy, observing in their actions the provisions of the applicable regulations, and therefore in the regulations on the separation of regulated activities, as well as in the Bylaws and internal rules of corporate governance approved by its governing bodies and, in particular, the rules of organization and internal operation that it establishes within the framework of its power of self-organization.